Congratulations @vurb & @ThePhenomenon ill be messaging you on discord and NG dms to talk about the details. quite insane. Thank you to everyone who participated this was a lot of fun! also if you haven't already all songs are free to download on Bandcamp if you want to! you can also purchase the CD as well!
when we get to around ima say 200 fans ill plan something for that milestone as well.
Ok bye I luve U!!! (and stay safe lads.)
EDIT: I forgot to add someone in so uh... I'm a doo another draw. sorry bout that. and specifically to @Celestial-Sticker, let me know if there is a song you like of mine and I can get you a .wav file for forgetting to add you I'm sorry.
I thought I won based on the roulette image lolololol
Sorry the gifs don’t load properly sometimes. Kinda of annoying but it be like that. maybe next lad!