^- I'm in a BOX!!1!
_✨ i make internet music ✨_
my songs are available in GD!

Archer @CorruptModule


Junk Lord


Behind You 💀

Joined on 8/4/19

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Posted by CorruptModule - 1 day ago

Hello, I wanted to say thanks for everyone listening and checking out my music and art. I've had sometime to think about this but i wanted to let people know with somethings that have been happening in my personal life. Last Friday 9/13.2024 my mom passed away. I want to put this here because i think its important enough to mention and it would ez my mind as well just talking about it. that Friday i felt like I was disassociating and just getting stuck in my head as my body runs on auto pilot. I'm feeling better but still feel like I'm not really there. i wanna describe it as if my conciseness is watching a staticky and noisy TV and the TV is just displaying what i my eyes see the image get is hard to get. I've felt like this for awhile now but it got worse when my mom passed away. i would like to get a clearer image on the TV but i don't know how to. i feel like one day i just might get completely stuck in my conciseness and lock myself out of my body. everything seems to be zipping right past me and I'm to slow to react to it.

I've just got to take some time off and just relax. This site has helped me in so many ways as i find sharing music very helpful for my mind and entertaining. i wont lie i like it when i see a big number on a song of mine. i want to be humble but shit makes me feel good. i don't wanna leave you off with something sour to chew on. thats not my style. I usually want a good feeling or a good story to be left behind. I'll be uploading still since its the one thing that helps me feel alive. not in a depressing way. I want to live to create art. that's my objective. its probably what my mom would want too.

Thanks Everyone, Thanks my friends, Thanks my Family, and Thank you Mom I love You.


A photo My mom took when she went to Alaska.

See ya . . . . . . . . .

Space Cowboy




RIP to your mom. I can't imagine losing mine, since we're so close. The fact that one day she'll go too is always in the back of my mind, and I feel like I'll feel almost the same way you do.

All I can say is, take all the time you need. Also, keep doing the things you love, and make sure it's not because you think you need to, but because you know you want to. I'm sure that's what your mom would say as well.

You've got this.

Thanks I appreciate it. I hope you and your mom and doing good. make sure to spend some extra time with her. I'll keep making art for my mom and my family. Thanks for your words.